
Come listen to my podcast, The Jamhole

Thats right, after months of trying to find someone worthy enough to do a podcast with, we have our first 3 episodes posted and ready for your aural pleasure. Our website is jamhole.omgcats.com
and our myspace is myspace.com/thejamholepodcast. It would be very cool if you would at least take a listen and give us some feedback, seeings how we are both very new to this. We should be listed on itunes very soon. Our inspiration for doing this podcast comes mostly from keith and the girl, distorted view, the skeptics guide, and sick and wrong. I've heard great things so far, so who knows, maybe this is what we were born to do. And if not, at least its a place we can talk about shit, and that right there is worth all the time in the world. If you like the podcast, and even if you don't, please cruise on over to podcast alley and give us a vote.

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